New SECS Logo - Unregistered Trademark

Industrial Solutions

SECS strive to do business with integrity, reliability and efficiency through loyal employees that care about the services and products that the company offers. These values ensure positive behavior and sound company decisions and actions.


Our proficient management team with more than 50 years combined industry experience ensures client satisfaction and world class service delivery.  

100% Localized Level 2 B-BBEE
Our Mission

Our mission is to achieve our vision through efficient high standards of proven and innovative methods, without negatively impacting the environment. 

We aim to excel in the industry by effectuating the, company values of quality, integrity, leadership, teamwork and efficiency.

our Vision

Our vision is to leave a positive impression by being the preferred service provider and supplier of affordable quality services & products in Africa.

Values Icon
Our Values

Safety First/Quality Always

In everything we do.  

Integrity - Uncompromising standards through ethical conduct.   

Efficiency - Continuous growth and improvement.   

Quality - First time right through excellent workmanship.   

Teamwork - Accountability and attitude.   

Leadership - Leading service quality, professionalism and responsiveness.   

Pride and Respect - For our customers, for each other and for all our stakeholders.